Oral Surgery

We understand that oral surgery can be stressful for many patients, and that is why our staff treats each and every patient as if they were a member of our own families. When tooth crowding, an infection, or an accident make oral surgery necessary, McMahonTech Dental is the place to turn for help. Our experienced and compassionate staff will provide sedation services so you can stay comfortable and relaxed during your procedure, which may include root canal therapy, tooth extraction, wisdom teeth removal, or periodontal root scaling and planing.

  • Wisdom Teeth Extraction
  • Dental Implants
  • Tooth Extractions
  • Reconstructive Surgery

Surgical Services

Are you experiencing pain in your mouth? You shouldn't have to live with frustration day in and day out. At McMahonTech Dental and our team of exceptional dentists, have assisted hundreds of patients suffering from the kind of tooth discomfort that can be addressed through tooth extraction at our office.

When a tooth needs to be removed, this is called an extraction. While not all problems with teeth require removal, these are most often performed because of an active problem such as pain, swelling, decay or infection, or as a preventative measure to avoid serious problems in the future.

***Information taken from AZ Family Dental Services***https://www.arizonafamilydental.com/